Welcome to Chattanooga Cocktail Week, We are excited to add Appetizers to this year's cocktail week. Sips & Snacks Add to the experience of the customers, and allows you to feature another aspect of your business. Establishments Interested in Partnering with us can Sign Up Below.

Partnering Establishments Agree to:

• Provide a $8 Featured Cocktail Item All Week | Utilizing a Local Sponsor’s Spirits (TBA) 
• Provide a Featured $6 Appetizer All Week
• We will be tracking customers visits as well as having them vote on their favorite at the end of the week. 
• $150 Participation Fee (Due By November 4th) 
• Provide 2 $25 Gift Cards, to be used as giveaways for our passport program, Rewarding customers for patronizing businesses during the week. (Due by  November 4th) 
• Allow Use of Logos & Images from the Establishments for Promotion Purposes 
• To Complete a Post Week Survey within one week of the completion date. Including keeping track of the # of Cocktails sold



Partner Fee Payment Below

Chattanooga Cocktail & App Week Partnership

